Bubble's Valley

Free platformer adventure game for mobile

My Roles

  • co-Founder
  • Research
  • GUI Design
  • Illustrations
  • Game Design
  • Animation
  • Level Design






  • Adobe XD
  • Illustrator
  • Unity
  • Spine Animator

From concept to creation, I'm the creative force behind the scenes. I've meticulously crafted the graphics, designed the GUI, illustrated the world, shaped the game's design, brought it to life with animation, and meticulously crafted every level. Additionally, I've given life to unique characters and game objects, infusing them with personality and purpose. My experience with Unity UI ensures a seamless and user-friendly experience throughout the game.

UI levels

Levels Page

On this page, you'll discover our immersive game dashboard, a gateway to endless adventure! Explore diverse worlds, chart your path through captivating levels, and unlock new horizons. The gaming journey starts here

UI Cards Collection

Cards packs

On this screen, you'll find your treasure trove of collected cards. Dive into a visual showcase of your in-game achievements, power-ups, and rare finds. Explore the stories behind each card and chart your progress through the game.

UI Cards


On the Cards Page, your collection comes to life! Explore and display all the unique cards you've gathered on your epic journey. Each card holds a story, an achievement, or a power-up. Browse through your accomplishments and power-ups, and relive the excitement of your adventures in Bubble's Valley!

Green World Design

Green World

Step into the vibrant Green World, where lush forests and lively flora await your exploration. Traverse through a thriving ecosystem, filled with exciting challenges and hidden wonders. Get ready to embrace the beauty of nature in every level.

Snow World Design

Lava World

Prepare to face the intense heat and molten landscapes of the Lava World. Amidst rivers of flowing lava and volcanic eruptions, you'll navigate treacherous terrain and fiery challenges. Survive the scorching adventure and emerge as the ultimate lava conqueror.

Snow World Design

Snow World

Venture into the enchanting Snow World, a winter wonderland blanketed in pure, glistening snow. Traverse through icy terrains and frosty challenges, all while experiencing the magic of a snowy adventure. Bundle up and brace yourself for frosty fun!

Desert World Design

Desert World

Embark on a journey through the arid Desert World, a realm of endless sands and secrets. Navigate through vast dunes and ancient ruins as you overcome unique obstacles and uncover the mysteries buried beneath the scorching sun.

Cristal World Design

Crystal World

Enter the mesmerizing Crystal World, a realm of sparkling gems and crystalline landscapes. Each level is a visual spectacle, featuring intricate designs and breathtaking formations. Prepare for a journey filled with dazzling puzzles and captivating beauty.

Pets page


This is the pet screen, The furry friends receive personalized care and attention. Customize their appearance, feed them, and unlock their special abilities. The pets are not just companions; they're your secret weapon for conquering levels!

Shop section

Shop UI

UI shop pages for all goods for In-App Purchase